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Tummy Tuck


A Tummy Tuck or Abdominoplasty surgery involves removal of excess fat and loose skin from the abdominal area and tightening the muscles in the midline.As we age, the abdomen easily stores excess fat that is stubborn and resistant to diet and exercise. Both men and women tend to accumulate fat in the middle third of the body. Commonly after pregnancy or repeated weight fluctuation, skin and fat accumulates in the middle third of the body and there is divarication (separation) of muscles in the midline.When there is skin excess along with fat, Tummy Tuck is better than liposuction alone, to give you a flat tummy. Commonly both procedures are used in combination to perform a ‘Lipo-Tummy Tuck’.

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During pregnancy and childbirth, there is fat accumulation and stretching of the abdominal skin, along with thinning and separation of the muscles. After delivery, some changes reverse but there is residual loose hanging skin and muscle weakness which is easily corrected by a Tummy Tuck.



Rapid weight loss often leads to lose and sagging skin and stubborn pockets of fat all over the body. This is resistant to exercise and diet as the skin has lost its elasticity and recoil ability. This can be surgically removed by a Tummy Tuck.


As we age, skin loses its elasticity and strength. Gravity plays an important role in the sagging of tissues. Since men and women both tend to accumulate fat around the abdomen, excess fat and loose skin is often seen.

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Some Concerns


The incision stays under the panty line. The extent of the incision will vary according to the patient’s figure, amount of excess tissue, and aesthetic goals. The scar fades with time and good scar care and is barely noticeable.



Pain is easily controlled with pain killers for 4-5 days



Swelling resolves over 6 weeks with the garment. When simultaneous liposuction is done, it may take upto 3-4 mon



By 5 days you should be walking comfortably. Recovery can take upto 2-3 weeks. High impact exercises like Aerobics or jogging, Yoga and Cardio should be resumed after your final follow up at 6-8 weeks.



Tummy Tuck is a safe and satisfying procedure when done by a qualified cosmetic surgeon.












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What is Mommy Makeover?

Mommy makeover helps take you back to your awesome Pre-Pregnancy body. It involves both a Tummy Tuck and a Breast Lift. To know more go to our MOMMY MAKEOVER page


What is the Difference between Tummy Tuck and Liposuction?

Liposuction helps remove fat and contour and shape the body. It is a less invasive procedure and reocovery is faster. When there is Excess of loose Skin and Muscle weakness, a Tummy Tuck is required to remove that excess and repair and tighten the muscle. The recovery takes a few days more and there is a surgical scar, although it is hidden under the bikini line.


When can I get back to work?

We recommend resuming slow walking the same or the next day of surgery. You should be comfortable to walk around your house in 4-5 days. Most patients get back to work in 2-3 weeks. If your job is strenuous then you may need upto 4 weeks to recover. Some activities like jogging, high impact exercises and swimming will be restricted for 6-8 weeks.


Is the Tummy Tuck result permanent?

A Flat and Contoured Tummy after a Tuck can last for a long time and patients who follow a healthy lifestyle are more likely to experience a better outcome. Over a period of time, weight fluctuations, pregnancy and gravity and aging will play a role.


Can other procedures be combined with tummy tuck?

A Tummy Tuck is routinely combined with Liposuction of other areas, a Breast Lift (Mommy Makeover), Breast Reduction and Breast Augmentation.


What is a Mini Tummy Tuck?

A Mini Tummy Tuck is done for patients with minimal skin excess. To know more go to our MINI TUMMY TUCK page


What is the cost of a Tummy Tuck?

Cost of a Tummy Tuck depends on a variety of factors and includes things like Operating room charges, Surgeon’s charges, Surgical Material charges, Anesthesia charges and Hospital Stay amongst others. We are committed to making Aesthetic Surgery Affordable and Accessible for you. Contact Us to know more!









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