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PRP Treatment

What is Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Hair Loss Treatment?

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) treatment is a modern approach to treating male and female hair loss and hair thinning. It is a fantastic non-surgical treatment to help strengthen hair. The process involves taking a blood sample from the patient (20mls or more) and placing the blood into a centrifuge machine. The centrifuge spins the blood at very high, carefully calibrated speeds so that the blood can separate into its different compartments. The plasma (clear-yellow liquid) contains tiny blood cells called platelets which are vital for growth and repair.

The separated plasma containing a high concentration of platelets (i.e. Platelet Rich) is then carefully extracted and injected back into the scalp. Once in the scalp, the platelets release the growth factors which help repair, vascularise and strengthen the hair follicles.


Does PRP treatment hurt?

Every patient has a differently level of sensitiveness in the scalp so each person responds differently. The PRP solution can cause a mild stinging sensation in some people so it is often given with local anaesthetic to help reduce the discomfort. 

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