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What is the FUE method of hair transplantation?

FUE hair transplantation, a micro-surgical procedure performed in a hospital setting, is the only permanent solution to hair loss. It's a great option for men who are losing their hair due to male pattern baldness or other factors. The procedure's most notable feature is that no incisions are made on the scalp. As a result, the recovery time after surgery is significantly reduced.


Hair transplantation using the FUE method involves placing roots taken from the nape area, which contains resistant hair follicles, in the area where hair loss is most severe. The length and direction of hair follicles taken from the donor area must be correctly classified. Moreover, during the entire procedure, extreme caution must be exercised to avoid damaging the roots extracted from the donor area.

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FUE Technique

What are the steps in the FUE procedure?

Hair transplantation with FUE requires local anesthesia. Hair follicles are collected one by one after local anesthesia is applied to the treatment area. The FUE motor, which has incision tips ranging from 0.6 to 0.8 mm, is used to collect the roots. 2-3 hair follicles are found in each graft. It's important to avoid damaging the hair follicles during this procedure. Furthermore, because thousands of roots will be collected from the donor area, the motor's small tip will aid in the healing process.

Following the collection of healthy hair follicles from the donor area, channels in the targeted area are opened to begin the hair transplantation process, and the roots are placed in the targeted area. Root canal opening is just as important as root collection and requires special attention.

Another important consideration in FUE hair transplantation is the angle of the canal into which the hair follicles will be placed. The correct hair transplantation angle is the most important factor in achieving natural results in hair transplantation. The correct determination of the hairline prior to the operation is another important factor in achieving naturalness.

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What should be taken into account prior to the operation?

Before undergoing a hair transplant using the FUE method, there are a few things to consider.

  • Smoking should be stopped one day prior to the operation.

  • Three days prior to the operation, no alcohol should be consumed.

  • Blood thinners and anticoagulants should be avoided two weeks prior to surgery.

  • Hair should not be cut prior to the procedure.

  • It is beneficial to massage the scalp for 15 minutes every day for a few weeks to increase blood flow.

  • You should take the medications that your doctor has prescribed for you.

  • Antidepressants, vitamins, and supplements should not be taken for two weeks prior to surgery

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What should be considered after the operation?

FUE  Technique

You should rest for a day after the operation.

You can return to daily life the next day.

The amount of water consumption should not be less.

Washing should be done by being careful not to touch the hair transplant area with hair lotion for 10 days.

After the operation, the amount of salt consumption should be reduced.

You must strictly follow the instructions given by your doctor.

It takes 9 months for the transplanted hair to come out completely, so you have to be patient.

Are there any side effects of FUE Hair Transplantation?

Except for the small spots where the roots are collected, hair transplantation using the FUE method leaves no scars.

These traces fade and vanish over time as well. The following are some of the possible side effects following the operation:

• Infection symptoms

• Swelling or pain in the operated area

• Bleeding in the surgical site

• Tingling or numbness in the operated area

• The transplanted hair is distinct from the rest of the hair.

• Hair loss or thinning that persists after transplantation

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